Classement UFC Fans
3051Bryce Logan Bryce Logan 1-2-0 REC594 PTS
3052 77Carl Deaton III CD3Carl Deaton III 0-2-0 UFC594 PTS
3053 76Steven Graham 3DSteven Graham 1-1-0 UFC593 PTS
3054 100Bruna Ellen Bruna Ellen 1-2-0 REC593 PTS
3055 76Brendon Marotte The KidBrendon Marotte 0-2-0 UFC593 PTS
3056 85Anthony Torres The CrushAnthony Torres 1-1-0 UFC593 PTS
3057 63Lucie Bertaud FireballLucie Bertaud 1-0-0 REC593 PTS
3058 90Alibek Gadzhammatov Alibek Gadzhammatov 1-0-0 REC592 PTS
3059Konrad Dyrschka KonniKonrad Dyrschka 2-0-0 REC592 PTS
3060Brandon Carrillo Brandon Carrillo 0-3-0 REC591 PTS
3061 85Ricardo Abreu DementeRicardo Abreu 1-1-0 UFC591 PTS
3062 60Sean Gannon The CannonSean Gannon 0-1-0 UFC591 PTS
3063 80Victor Rodriguez ViciousVictor Rodriguez 0-2-0 UFC590 PTS
3064 97Dan Christison The SandmanDan Christison 1-1-0 UFC590 PTS
3065 74Yousri Belgaroui Baby Face AssassinYousri Belgaroui 1-1-0 REC590 PTS
3066Michal Dreczkowski Michal Dreczkowski 2-0-0 REC589 PTS
3067 85Alexandre Dantas CafeAlexandre Dantas 0-2-0 UFC588 PTS
3068 81Pedro Falcao PedrinhoPedro Falcao 0-1-0 UFC587 PTS
3069 50Shamil Gamzatov UmarShamil Gamzatov 1-1-0 UFC586 PTS
3070 98Michael Dufort The Canadian BadassMichael Dufort 1-2-0 REC586 PTS
3071Jorge Bueno JorginhoJorge Bueno 0-3-0 REC585 PTS
3072 80Taylor Johnson TombstoneTaylor Johnson 1-2-0 REC585 PTS
3073 99Elie Wise Elie Wise 2-0-0 REC585 PTS
3074Alan Yamaniha Alan Yamaniha 1-0-0 REC585 PTS
3075 45Ron Van Clief Black DragonRon Van Clief 0-1-0 UFC585 PTS
3076Livio Ribeiro GalinhoLivio Ribeiro 2-0-0 REC584 PTS
3077 57Enrique Marin WasabiEnrique Marin 0-2-0 UFC584 PTS
3078 90Mossab El Marzkioui The AmazighMossab El Marzkioui 1-1-0 REC583 PTS
3079Natalia Baczynska-Krawiec BakaNatalia Baczynska-Krawiec 1-2-0 REC582 PTS
3080 21Claressa Shields T-RexClaressa Shields 1-0-0 REC582 PTS
3081 82Joe Moreira MacacoJoe Moreira 1-1-0 UFC581 PTS
3082 39Eva Dourthe Eva Dourthe 1-1-0 REC580 PTS
3083 85Alan Omer Mr. ErbilAlan Omer 0-2-0 UFC579 PTS
3084 81Devin Smyth The ProdigyDevin Smyth 1-2-0 REC579 PTS
3085Callum Mullen Callum Mullen 0-3-0 REC579 PTS
3086 76Keoni Diggs Keoni Diggs 1-2-0 REC579 PTS
3087 83Todd Medina El TiburonTodd Medina 1-1-0 UFC579 PTS
3088Thomas Paull JuggernautThomas Paull 1-2-0 REC579 PTS
3089 83John-Olav Einemo The VikingJohn-Olav Einemo 0-2-0 UFC579 PTS
3090Brianna Fortino The BullBrianna Fortino 1-1-0 UFC578 PTS
3091 78Nate Smith The SavageNate Smith 1-2-0 REC578 PTS
3092Henry Corrales Henry Corrales 1-2-0 REC578 PTS
3093 35Teila Tuli Teila Tuli 0-1-0 UFC578 PTS
3094Yusuke Kasuya Yusuke Kasuya 0-2-0 UFC578 PTS
3095 77Richard Kallos JudoRichard Kallos 1-0-0 REC578 PTS
3096 41Danilo Belluardo CaterpillarDanilo Belluardo 0-2-0 UFC578 PTS
3097Maria Jose Favela LeonaMaria Jose Favela 0-3-0 REC578 PTS
3098 82Juan Manuel Puig FenixJuan Manuel Puig 0-2-0 UFC577 PTS
3099 94John Gunther The MachineJohn Gunther 1-1-0 UFC577 PTS
3100 100Ryan Couture Ryan Couture 0-2-0 UFC577 PTS