Classement UFC Fans
1151 5Ben Askren FunkyBen Askren 1-2-0 UFC2365 PTS
1152 18David Loiseau The CrowDavid Loiseau 4-5-0 UFC2358 PTS
1153 25Sam Hughes SampageSam Hughes 4-5-0 UFC2358 PTS
1154 17Paul Varelans The Polar BearPaul Varelans 4-4-0 UFC2357 PTS
1155 16Patchy Mix No LovePatchy Mix 5-0-0 REC2356 PTS
1156 11Jake O'Brien IrishJake O'Brien 4-3-0 UFC2355 PTS
1157 14David Branch The ExecutiveDavid Branch 4-5-0 UFC2355 PTS
1158 18Joe Soto One Bad MofoJoe Soto 3-5-0 UFC2355 PTS
1159 4Jake Hadley White KongJake Hadley 3-4-0 UFC2350 PTS
1160 31Ghassen Jbalia Ghassen Jbalia 2-0-0 REC2350 PTS
1161 28Brent Primus Brent Primus 4-2-0, 1NC REC2348 PTS
1162 21Marcus Brimage The Bama BeastMarcus Brimage 4-4-0 UFC2346 PTS
1163 2Ange Loosa The Last NinjaAnge Loosa 2-2-0, 1NC UFC2345 PTS
1164 26Shanna Young The ShanimalShanna Young 1-3-0 UFC2343 PTS
1165 30Sean O'Connell The Real OCSean O'Connell 2-5-0 UFC2341 PTS
1166 55Junior Tafa The JuggernautJunior Tafa 2-3-0 UFC2340 PTS
1167 17Chris Barnett Beast BoyChris Barnett 2-3-0 UFC2340 PTS
1168 26Peter Sobotta Peter Sobotta 4-6-0 UFC2338 PTS
1169 4Trey Ogden Samurai GhostTrey Ogden 3-3-0, 1NC UFC2333 PTS
1170 18Jason Knight The KidJason Knight 4-5-0 UFC2332 PTS
1171 23Blagoy Ivanov BagaBlagoy Ivanov 3-5-0 UFC2331 PTS
1172Pawel Pawlak PlastinhoPawel Pawlak 1-2-0 UFC2329 PTS
1173 37Hayisaer Maheshate Hayisaer Maheshate 2-3-0 UFC2327 PTS
1174 27DaMarques Johnson DarknessDaMarques Johnson 4-6-0 UFC2325 PTS
1175 12Charles Radtke Chuck BuffaloCharles Radtke 3-1-0 UFC2320 PTS
1176 25Siyar Bahadurzada The GreatSiyar Bahadurzada 4-4-0 UFC2320 PTS
1177 28Mallory Martin Mallory Martin 1-3-0 UFC2318 PTS
1178 25Megan Anderson Megan Anderson 3-3-0 UFC2318 PTS
1179 23Cihad Akipa PunisherCihad Akipa 2-2-0 REC2311 PTS
1180 22Luiz Cane BanhaLuiz Cane 4-5-0 UFC2307 PTS
1181 19Miguel Baeza Caramel ThunderMiguel Baeza 3-4-0 UFC2306 PTS
1182 8Ante Delija Walking TroubleAnte Delija 5-1-0 REC2306 PTS
1183 8Thibault Gouti GTThibault Gouti 1-5-0 UFC2301 PTS
1184 19Jonathan Goulet The Road WarriorJonathan Goulet 4-5-0 UFC2299 PTS
1185 13Qileng Aori Mongolian MurdererQileng Aori 3-4-0, 1NC UFC2299 PTS
1186 23Kenny Robertson Kenny Robertson 4-5-0 UFC2296 PTS
1187 23Roan Carneiro JucãoRoan Carneiro 4-5-0 UFC2295 PTS
1188 20Gary Goodridge Big DaddyGary Goodridge 4-4-0 UFC2295 PTS
1189 1Gabriel Miranda FlyGabriel Miranda 1-2-0 UFC2294 PTS
1190 30Justin Scoggins TankJustin Scoggins 4-5-0 UFC2294 PTS
1191Alimardan Abdykaarov Alimardan Abdykaarov 2-0-0 REC2290 PTS
1192 22Maximo Blanco MaxiMaximo Blanco 4-5-0 UFC2289 PTS
1193 22Philipe Lins MonstroPhilipe Lins 4-2-0 UFC2289 PTS
1194 30Josh Culibao KuyaJosh Culibao 3-4-1 UFC2288 PTS
1195Mick Stanton The Huyton HammerMick Stanton 2-2-0 REC2285 PTS
1196 27Duane Ludwig BangDuane Ludwig 4-5-0 UFC2285 PTS
1197 19Marco Polo Reyes El ToroMarco Polo Reyes 4-4-0 UFC2282 PTS
1198 10Abu Azaitar Captain MoroccoAbu Azaitar 1-2-0 UFC2279 PTS
1199 45Yuki Motoya Yuki Motoya 3-0-0 REC2278 PTS
1200 24Ciaran Clarke Ciaran Clarke 5-0-0 REC2274 PTS