Classement UFC Fans
4101 96Matheus Felipe Dino Matheus Felipe Dino 1-0-0 REC256 PTS
4102Lucas Barbosa HulkLucas Barbosa 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4103 61Christien Savoie TigerChristien Savoie 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4104Damir Ferhatbegovic The Bosnian Barn CatDamir Ferhatbegovic 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4105 28Willamy Freire ChiquerimWillamy Freire 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC256 PTS
4106 44Fred Ettish Fred Ettish 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC256 PTS
4107 27Masutatsu Yano Masutatsu Yano 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC256 PTS
4108 38John Beckett TankJohn Beckett 1-0-0 REC256 PTS
4109 38Yuya Shibata MonkeyYuya Shibata 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4110 9Xavier Alaoui The BreadmanXavier Alaoui 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4111Damion Nelson DynamiteDamion Nelson 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4112 82Derek Downey The GentlemanDerek Downey 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC256 PTS
4113 91Ilya Kovalev Ilya Kovalev 1-0-0 REC256 PTS
4114Stanley Dorsainvil The DrillStanley Dorsainvil 1-0-0 REC256 PTS
4115 76Luis Rodriguez El CañónLuis Rodriguez 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4116 60Kabylbek Bakyt uulu Kabylbek Bakyt uulu 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4117Farshad Nazarnia Farshad Nazarnia 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4118 3Rodney Kealohi The CaptainRodney Kealohi 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4119 56Jason Ponet The Amazonian SamouraiJason Ponet 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4120 53Steve Byrnes The SergeantSteve Byrnes 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC256 PTS
4121 18Darrell Gholar Darrell Gholar 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC256 PTS
4122Marcelo Aguiar Marcelo Aguiar 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC256 PTS
4123Konstantinos Ntelis The GamblerKonstantinos Ntelis 1-0-0 REC256 PTS
4124Konmon Deh Konmon Deh 0-2-0 REC256 PTS
4125 87Chibwikem Onyenegecha Chibwikem Onyenegecha 1-0-0 REC256 PTS
4126 44Leonardos Sinis PitbullLeonardos Sinis 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4127 3Bekkhan Musaev Bekkhan Musaev 0-1-0 REC256 PTS
4128 3Andy Wang The Yellow PerilAndy Wang 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC255 PTS
4129 68Nick Agallar Nick Agallar 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC255 PTS
4130 42Redgie Hingston Redgie Hingston 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4131 15Matias Nader Baby FaceMatias Nader 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4132Alexander Treskin Alexander Treskin 1-0-0 REC255 PTS
4133 4Sebastian Heil SebSebastian Heil 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4134 10Nicolae Mezdrea The CrocodileNicolae Mezdrea 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4135 67Tom Graesser Tom Graesser 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4136 34Cleiton Silva PredadorCleiton Silva 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4137 31Jordan Molinari SlickJordan Molinari 1-0-0 REC255 PTS
4138Josh Wick The White MambaJosh Wick 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4139 53Jose Aguayo Jose Aguayo 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4140 88James Martin The White WolfJames Martin 1-0-0 REC255 PTS
4141 33Daigo Kuramoto Daigo Kuramoto 0-1-0 REC255 PTS
4142 40Julian Sanchez Julian Sanchez 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC255 PTS
4143Sean Gauci Sean Gauci 1-0-0 REC255 PTS
4144 76Eman Baraka EmmaEman Baraka 0-1-0 REC254 PTS
4145 33John Dave Almanza The StrikerJohn Dave Almanza 0-1-0 REC254 PTS
4146 33Houston Dorr Bad to the BoneHouston Dorr 0-1-0 REC0-1-0 UFC254 PTS
4147Mohammed Sadok Trabelsi MomoMohammed Sadok Trabelsi 0-1-0 REC254 PTS
4148 61Gianluca Rocca DjangoGianluca Rocca 0-1-0 REC254 PTS
4149Luisa Cifuentes South CoupLuisa Cifuentes 0-1-0 REC254 PTS
4150 97Henry Fadipe HerculeezHenry Fadipe 0-1-0 REC254 PTS