Classement UFC Fans
4251Ryan Hewitt Ryan Hewitt 1-0-0 REC321 PTS
4252 86Craig McIntosh MopCraig McIntosh 0-1-0 REC320 PTS
4253 4Braxton Smith The Beautiful MonsterBraxton Smith 0-1-0 UFC320 PTS
4254Dzerassa Kupeeva Dzerassa Kupeeva 0-1-0 REC320 PTS
4255Ziad Ayman The PantherZiad Ayman 1-0-0 REC320 PTS
4256Attila Vegh PumukliAttila Vegh 0-1-0 REC320 PTS
4257Magomed Sardalov Magomed Sardalov 1-0-0 REC320 PTS
4258 95Rafael Carvalho Rafael Carvalho 0-1-0 REC320 PTS
4259Darrill Schoonover The BossDarrill Schoonover 0-1-0 UFC320 PTS
4260 99Stephane Coignon SmashStephane Coignon 320 PTS
4261 53Eddie Mendez Eddie Mendez 0-1-0 UFC320 PTS
4262 84Caros Fodor The FutureCaros Fodor 0-1-0 UFC320 PTS
4263 81Sergiusz Zajac Sergiusz Zajac 1-0-0 REC320 PTS
4264Mashrabjon Ruziboev Black JuniorMashrabjon Ruziboev 320 PTS
4265 27Tim McKenzie The Wrecking MachineTim McKenzie 0-1-0 UFC320 PTS
4266 80Dean Trueman Dean Trueman 1-0-0 REC319 PTS
4267James Sheehan Jimbo SliceJames Sheehan 1-0-0 REC319 PTS
4268Aziz Osorbek Uulu Alay KhanAziz Osorbek Uulu 1-0-0 REC319 PTS
4269 97Allen Berube MonstahAllen Berube 0-1-0 UFC319 PTS
4270Umarali Maripov Umarali Maripov 1-0-0 REC319 PTS
4271Mark Scanlon ScannoMark Scanlon 0-1-0 UFC319 PTS
4272 4Emilio Vallecillo Emilio Vallecillo 1-0-0 REC319 PTS
4273Lorena Cubero She HulkLorena Cubero 0-1-0 REC319 PTS
4274 58Brian Gassaway MandingoBrian Gassaway 0-1-0 UFC319 PTS
4275 76Jayden Taulker The TankJayden Taulker 0-1-0 REC319 PTS
4276 93Darrell Gholar Darrell Gholar 0-1-0 UFC319 PTS
4277Andy Wang The Yellow PerilAndy Wang 0-1-0 UFC318 PTS
4278Eman Baraka EmmaEman Baraka 0-1-0 REC318 PTS
4279Kacper Fornalski Kacper Fornalski 1-0-0 REC318 PTS
4280Raphael Uchegbu Raphael Uchegbu 0-1-0 REC318 PTS
4281Redouane Taybi Redouane Taybi 318 PTS
4282Richie Hightower The Dirty SamuraiRichie Hightower 0-1-0 UFC318 PTS
4283 95Jora Ayvazyan Jora Ayvazyan 1-0-0 REC318 PTS
4284Courtney Turner Courtney Turner 0-1-0 UFC318 PTS
4285 61Gerry Harris Gerry Harris 0-1-0 UFC318 PTS
4286Keith Mielke Keith Mielke 0-1-0 UFC318 PTS
4287Vincenzo Iannuzzo il PresceltoVincenzo Iannuzzo 1-0-0 REC318 PTS
4288 76Viskhan Kadirov Viskhan Kadirov 1-0-0 REC318 PTS
4289 74Daisuke Tatsumi Daisuke Tatsumi 0-1-0 REC318 PTS
4290Yves Antibe Zanga Yves Antibe Zanga 0-1-0 REC318 PTS
4291Nick Serra The Mad MonkeyNick Serra 0-1-0 UFC318 PTS
4292 92Michal Turynski Michal Turynski 1-0-0 REC317 PTS
4293 64Karol Arteaga ShowtimeKarol Arteaga 0-1-0 REC317 PTS
4294Luis Rafael Laurentino JapaLuis Rafael Laurentino 1-0-0 REC317 PTS
4295Willamy Freire ChiquerimWillamy Freire 0-1-0 UFC317 PTS
4296 89Aeneas Renfrow BugzAeneas Renfrow 0-1-0 REC317 PTS
4297 94Khaseyn Shaykhaev Khaseyn Shaykhaev 1-0-0 REC317 PTS
4298 54Daniel Bainbridge Daniel Bainbridge 1-0-0 REC317 PTS
4299 92Danny Somers Danny Somers 1-0-0 REC317 PTS
4300 66James Martin The White WolfJames Martin 1-0-0 REC317 PTS