Classement Hommes Poids Plumes Défaite %
1Darrick Minner Darrick Minner 2-5-0 REC2-4-0 UFC#128866.67%
2Kevin Aguilar The Angel of DeathKevin Aguilar 3-4-0 REC2-4-0 UFC#118766.67%
3Vince Morales VandettaVince Morales 3-7-0 REC3-6-0 UFC#86966.67%
4Seung Woo Choi StingSeung Woo Choi 4-6-0 REC4-6-0 UFC#80960%
5Josh Culibao KuyaJosh Culibao 3-4-1 REC3-4-1 UFC#107257.14%
6Kyle Nelson The MonsterKyle Nelson 4-5-1 REC4-5-1 UFC#82755.56%
7Alexander Hernandez The GreatAlexander Hernandez 7-7-0 REC7-7-0 UFC#51750%
8Bill Algeo Senor PerfectoBill Algeo 5-6-0 REC5-5-0 UFC#70650%
9Charles Jourdain AirCharles Jourdain 7-7-1 REC7-7-1 UFC#48150%
10Shayilan Nuerdanbieke WolverineShayilan Nuerdanbieke 3-3-0 REC3-3-0 UFC#119450%
11Julian Erosa Juicy JJulian Erosa 9-7-0 REC8-7-0 UFC#38646.67%
12Calvin Kattar The Boston FinisherCalvin Kattar 7-6-0 REC7-6-0 UFC#21046.15%
13Andre Fili TouchyAndre Fili 12-10-0, 1NC REC12-10-0, 1NC UFC#26445.45%
14Billy Quarantillo Billy Quarantillo 7-5-0 REC6-5-0 UFC#42145.45%
15Alex Caceres Bruce LeeroyAlex Caceres 16-13-0, 1NC REC16-13-0, 1NC UFC#16344.83%
16Dan Ige 50kDan Ige 11-8-0 REC10-8-0 UFC#27844.44%
17Jonathan Pearce JSPJonathan Pearce 6-4-0 REC5-4-0 UFC#63944.44%
18Nate Landwehr The TrainNate Landwehr 5-4-0 REC5-4-0 UFC#47144.44%
19Gavin Tucker Guv'norGavin Tucker 4-3-0 REC4-3-0 UFC#95842.86%
20Cub Swanson KillerCub Swanson 15-10-0 REC15-10-0 UFC#13740%