Classement Hommes Poids Mi-Moyens Défaite par soumission
1Tim Means The Dirty BirdTim Means 15-14-0, 1NC UFC#2176
2Matt Brown The ImmortalMatt Brown 17-13-0 UFC#1465
3Michael Chiesa MaverickMichael Chiesa 13-7-0 UFC#2095
4Neil Magny The Haitian SensationNeil Magny 22-12-0 UFC#705
5Jake Matthews The Celtic KidJake Matthews 14-7-0 UFC#1573
6Kevin Holland Trail BlazerKevin Holland 13-10-0, 1NC UFC#1353
7Trevin Giles The ProblemTrevin Giles 7-7-0 UFC#5883
8Jingliang Li The LeechJingliang Li 11-7-0 UFC#2712
9Kiefer Crosbie BDKKiefer Crosbie 0-2-0 UFC#23682
10Randy Brown Rude BoyRandy Brown 13-6-0 UFC#2012
11Themba Gorimbo The AnswerThemba Gorimbo 4-2-0 UFC#5732
12Uros Medic The DoctorUros Medic 4-3-0 UFC#6222
13Adam Fugitt Adam Fugitt 2-2-0 UFC#15021
14Colby Covington ChaosColby Covington 12-5-0 UFC#851
15Daniel Rodriguez D-RodDaniel Rodriguez 8-4-0 UFC#3901
16Geoff Neal Handz of SteelGeoff Neal 8-4-0 UFC#2021
17Gilbert Urbina The RGV Bad BoyGilbert Urbina 1-2-0 UFC#23421
18Jeremiah Wells Jeremiah Wells 4-2-0 UFC#11831
19Khaos Williams The Ox FighterKhaos Williams 6-3-0 UFC#5671
20Max Griffin PainMax Griffin 8-9-0 UFC#4691