Poids Plumes Hommes
Westin Wilson Westin Wilson 1-2-0 MMA1-2-0 UFC#1844Etats-Unis
Wilker Nsamo AfricanoWilker Nsamo 1-0-0 MMA#3133Angola
Will Chope The KillWill Chope 0-1-0 MMA0-1-0 UFC#3392Etats-Unis
William Gomis JaguarWilliam Gomis 4-0-0 MMA4-0-0 UFC#719France
Wojciech Kazieczko The PredatorWojciech Kazieczko 1-0-0 MMA#3048Pologne
Wuliji Buren The BeastmasterWuliji Buren 0-4-0 MMA0-3-0 UFC#1708Chine
Yair Rodriguez PanteraYair Rodriguez 10-4-0, 1NC MMA10-4-0, 1NC UFC#83Mexique
Yaotzin Meza Yaotzin Meza 2-4-0, 1NC MMA2-4-0, 1NC UFC#1189Etats-Unis
Yassin Chtatou La BagarreYassin Chtatou 0-1-0 MMA#3576France
Yazeed Hasanain The Golden BoyYazeed Hasanain 0-2-0 MMA#2726Jordanie
Yibugele EagleYibugele 0-2-0 MMA#2767Chine
Yizha Yizha 1-1-0 MMA0-1-0 UFC#2307Chine
Ylies Djiroun BrolyYlies Djiroun #4350France
Yoshiki Nakahara Yoshiki Nakahara 0-1-0 MMA#4267Japon
Yoshinori Horie Rising StarYoshinori Horie 0-1-0 MMA0-1-0 UFC#3271Japon
Yoshitomi Mishima Dokonjonosuke Yoshitomi Mishima 0-2-0 MMA0-2-0 UFC#2528Japon
Young Jae Song Super RookieYoung Jae Song 0-1-0 MMA#3846Corée du sud
Youssef Al Housani Youssef Al Housani #4526Émirats arabes unis
Youssef Zalal The Moroccan DevilYoussef Zalal 6-3-1 MMA6-3-1 UFC#519Maroc
Yui Chul Nam The Korean BulldozerYui Chul Nam 1-2-0 MMA1-2-0 UFC#1951Corée du sud