126Miguel Haro Santa MuerteMiguel Haro 0-1-0 REC#4122France
127Modibo Diakite Modibo Diakite 1-0-0 REC#1235France
128Mohamad Baillot SimbaMohamad Baillot 2-2-0 REC#2260France
129Mohamed Ramdane Mohamed Ramdane 1-0-0 REC#3989France
130Mohamed Soumah Mohamed Soumah 0-1-0 REC#3662France
131Moktar Benkaci Le KabyleMoktar Benkaci 0-2-0, 1NC REC#2949France
132Mona Ftouhi PittMona Ftouhi 0-1-0 REC#4207France
133Morgan Charriere The Last PirateMorgan Charriere 2-2-0 UFC#121France
134Morgann Gbolou Morgann Gbolou 0-1-0 REC#4645France
135Moustapha Aida Moustapha Aida 1-2-0 REC#2578France
136Nacim Belhouachi Nacim Belhouachi 1-1-0 REC#798France
137Nassourdine Imavov Russian SniperNassourdine Imavov 8-2-0, 1NC UFC#37France
138Nell Ariano Nell Ariano 3-0-0 REC#628France
139Nezar Bahaji Nezar Bahaji 0-1-0 REC#4187France
140Nicolas Leblond Nicolas Leblond 3-0-0 REC#1873France
141Noah Gugnon Noah Gugnon 0-1-0 REC#4203France
142Nora Cornolle WonderNora Cornolle 2-1-0 UFC#557France
143Nordine Taleb Nordine Taleb 7-5-0 UFC#520France
144Orlando Wiet The GladiatorOrlando Wiet 1-1-0 UFC#2313France
145Oumar Sy Oumar Sy 2-0-0 UFC#389France
146Ourouzmag Magkeyev Ourouzmag Magkeyev 0-1-0 REC#3276France
147Paulin Begai Le ChaatPaulin Begai 4-3-0 REC#1155France
148Pedro Carvalho JacaréPedro Carvalho 0-1-0 REC#4848France
149Prince Aounallah His MajestyPrince Aounallah 0-1-0 REC#4039France
150Racim Batouche Racim Batouche 1-0-0 REC#4724France