Classement UFC Fans
3701Matt Horwich SuaveMatt Horwich 0-2-0 UFC432 PTS
3702 4Kikadze Bondo Kikadze Bondo 1-0-0 REC432 PTS
3703Emilia Czerwinska Emilia Czerwinska 1-1-0 REC432 PTS
3704 56Victor Madrigal PeriquitoVictor Madrigal 0-1-0 REC432 PTS
3705Kenneth Cross The BossKenneth Cross 1-1-0 REC432 PTS
3706Nikolaos Serbezis The SpiderNikolaos Serbezis 1-1-0 REC432 PTS
3707 70Miguel Sanson Miguel Sanson 1-1-0 REC431 PTS
3708Miguel Jacob Miguel Jacob 1-1-0 REC431 PTS
3709Matheus Mattos AdamasMatheus Mattos 1-1-0 REC431 PTS
3710Scottie Stockman Scottie Stockman 0-2-0 REC430 PTS
3711 92Roger Gracie Roger Gracie 0-1-0 UFC430 PTS
3712 91Brian Houston B-HueBrian Houston 0-2-0 UFC429 PTS
3713 24Genadi Zhorzholiani Genadi Zhorzholiani 0-1-0 REC429 PTS
3714Javier Reyes BlairJavier Reyes 1-1-0 REC429 PTS
3715Emanuele Zaccaria Emanuele Zaccaria 0-2-0 REC429 PTS
3716Desiree Yanez Dirty DezDesiree Yanez 1-1-0 REC429 PTS
3717Otto Rodrigues 1988.03.28Otto Rodrigues 1-1-0 REC428 PTS
3718Alexey Shurkevich Alexey Shurkevich 1-1-0 REC428 PTS
3719 58Mariam Torchinava Mariam Torchinava 0-1-0 REC428 PTS
3720Bernardo Passos BenéBernardo Passos 1-1-0 REC428 PTS
3721Jack Maguire Jack Maguire 1-0-0 REC427 PTS
3722 97Yibugele EagleYibugele 0-2-0 REC427 PTS
3723 92Temerlan Azizov Temerlan Azizov 1-0-0 REC427 PTS
3724Zdenek Polivka Game OverZdenek Polivka 1-1-0 REC426 PTS
3725Ruben Wolf The VikingRuben Wolf 0-2-0 REC426 PTS
3726Leon Mackey Jr. Leon Mackey Jr. 1-1-0 REC426 PTS
3727Kamil Wojciechowski GlebaKamil Wojciechowski 0-2-0 REC426 PTS
3728Lucas Alsina La CobraLucas Alsina 0-2-0 REC426 PTS
3729 48Adam Yandiev BeardAdam Yandiev 0-1-0 UFC426 PTS
3730Liam Etebar Bad BoyLiam Etebar 0-2-0 REC426 PTS
3731Nicholas Gjelaj JediNicholas Gjelaj 1-1-0 REC426 PTS
3732Aupuni Pagaoa PuniAupuni Pagaoa 0-2-0 REC425 PTS
3733Gabriel Costa PitbullGabriel Costa 1-1-0 REC425 PTS
3734 90Armand Herczeg The CraneArmand Herczeg 0-2-0 REC425 PTS
3735Vikas Singh Ruhil Vikas Singh Ruhil 0-2-0 REC425 PTS
3736Collin Huckbody Young HuckCollin Huckbody 1-1-0 REC425 PTS
3737Michele Martignoni The Italian ThunderMichele Martignoni 1-1-0 REC425 PTS
3738Coty Milhausen The CripplerCoty Milhausen 0-2-0 REC425 PTS
3739Oļegs Jemeļjanovs Oļegs Jemeļjanovs 0-2-0 REC424 PTS
3740Josiah Reyes Silver City StranglerJosiah Reyes 1-1-0 REC424 PTS
3741Sang Uk Kim Frog ManSang Uk Kim 1-1-0 REC424 PTS
3742Shinobu Ota Shinobu Ota 1-1-0 REC423 PTS
3743Carlos Calderon ChiefCarlos Calderon 1-1-0 REC423 PTS
3744Sheldon Ryan The Salford LionSheldon Ryan 0-2-0 REC423 PTS
3745Costin Buhna Costin Buhna 0-2-0 REC422 PTS
3746 61Alexandre Ferreira CacarecoAlexandre Ferreira 0-1-0 UFC422 PTS
3747Joseph Lowry Joseph Lowry 0-2-0 REC422 PTS
3748Oton Jasse Oton Jasse 0-2-0 REC422 PTS
3749Luke Flores LukeLuke Flores 0-2-0 REC422 PTS
3750Jairo Pacheco MumuzinhoJairo Pacheco 0-2-0 REC422 PTS