Classement P4P UFC Fans Israël
1Natan Levy Natan Levy 3-2-0 REC2-2-0 UFC#11031990
2Ilay Barzilay Ilay Barzilay 2-0-0 REC#11121960
3Yanal Ashmouz Red FoxYanal Ashmouz 2-1-0 REC2-1-0 UFC#12511635
4Noad Lahat NeoNoad Lahat 2-2-0 REC2-2-0 UFC#1762981
5Moti Horenstein The HammerMoti Horenstein 0-2-0 REC0-2-0 UFC#2776468
6Shimon Smotritsky AssassinShimon Smotritsky 0-2-0 REC#3018421
7Rafael Aronov The CopRafael Aronov 1-1-0 REC#3263377
8Adam Keresh Adam Keresh 0-1-0 REC#3292370
9Stav Koren The red headStav Koren 1-0-0 REC#3375330
10Eli Aronov The Israeli TankEli Aronov 0-1-0 REC#3630279
11Kibedy Gordon KGKibedy Gordon 1-0-0 REC#3823263
12Oron Kahlon The PhenomOron Kahlon 0-1-0 REC#3961256
13Itay Tratner Itay Tratner 0-1-0 REC#4596222
14Raz Bring New LevelRaz Bring 0-1-0 REC#4751215