Classement P4P UFC Fans Irlande
1Ian Garry The FutureIan Garry 8-1-0 UFC#9622778
2Conor McGregor NotoriousConor McGregor 10-4-0 UFC#10621147
3Will Fleury Will Fleury 4-0-0, 1NC REC#7343682
4Nathan Kelly Nathan Kelly 6-1-0 REC#7623562
5John Mitchell John Mitchell 3-1-0 REC#10252534
6Joe Duffy Irish JoeJoe Duffy 4-4-0 UFC#11112266
7Ciaran Clarke Ciaran Clarke 5-0-0 REC#11252242
8Darragh Kelly The Moville MaulerDarragh Kelly 5-0-0 REC#11412214
9Cathal Pendred The PunisherCathal Pendred 4-2-0 UFC#12491980
10Denis Frimpong The MenaceDenis Frimpong 2-1-0 REC#13311756
11Neil Seery 2 TapNeil Seery 3-4-0 UFC#13491738
12Artem Lobov The Russian HammerArtem Lobov 2-5-0 UFC#13571727
13Eoin Sheridan Eoin Sheridan 1-0-0 REC#13801688
14Shauna Bannon Mama BShauna Bannon 1-1-0 UFC#14051651
15Danni McCormack MacDanni McCormack 4-0-0 REC#14981548
16Paddy Holohan The HooliganPaddy Holohan 3-2-0 UFC#15491453
17Kenny Mokhonoana Black DiamondKenny Mokhonoana 2-2-0 REC#15651434
18Caolan Loughran The DonCaolan Loughran 1-2-0 UFC#16391319
19Nate Kelly The GreatNate Kelly 3-0-0 REC#16821254
20Dylan Tuke The NukeDylan Tuke 3-1-0 REC#18381078
21Charlie Ward RelentlessCharlie Ward 0-2-0 UFC#18891041
22Karl Moore Karl Moore 3-1-0 REC#18951040
23Shem Rock ShemShem Rock 3-0-0 REC#19501010
24Aisling Daly Ais the BashAisling Daly 2-1-0 UFC#2113885
25Kiefer Crosbie BDKKiefer Crosbie 0-2-0 UFC#2368757
26Brian Moore The PikemanBrian Moore 2-1-0 REC#2623675
27Richie Smullen Richie Smullen 0-1-0 UFC#2817592
28Myles Price ThundercatMyles Price 0-3-0 REC#2843578
29Sinead Kavanagh KOSinead Kavanagh 1-2-0 REC#2895554
30Paddy McCorry Paddy McCorry 1-0-0 REC#3010509
31Adam Shelley Adam Shelley 0-2-0 REC#3183472
32Colin Robinson Big CColin Robinson 0-2-0 UFC#3189471
33James Gallagher The StrabanimalJames Gallagher 1-1-0 REC#3281451
34Peter Queally The ShowstopperPeter Queally 0-2-0, 1NC REC#3321443
35Dee Begley Dee Begley 0-2-0 REC#3363435
36Paul Redmond RedserPaul Redmond 0-2-0 UFC#3364435
37Jack Maguire Jack Maguire 1-0-0 REC#3461418
38Tom Egan The TankTom Egan 0-1-0 UFC#3694353
39Conor McCarthy The HotstepperConor McCarthy 1-0-0 REC#3742341
40Eimear Darcy DrivenEimear Darcy 1-0-0 REC#3754338
41Dean Barry The SniperDean Barry 0-1-0 UFC#3839319
42Solomon Simon KingSolomon Simon 1-0-0 REC#3900311
43Paul Nolan Paul Nolan 0-1-0 REC#4446269
44Leon Hill The HitmanLeon Hill 1-0-0 REC#4542263
45Gheorghe Grozav Gheorghe Grozav 1-0-0 REC#4636257
46Dara Ward WardyDara Ward 0-1-0 REC#4719252
47Carl McNally King CarlosCarl McNally 0-1-0 REC#4790247
48Matthew Friel El GuapoMatthew Friel 0-1-0 REC#5046226
49Nikola Ivanovic TeslaNikola Ivanovic 0-1-0 REC#5092220
50Ger Harris GTA SelectorGer Harris 0-1-0 REC#5205200
51Ryan Shelley Ryan Shelley 0-1-0 REC#5228194
52James Sheehan Jimbo SliceJames Sheehan #5391109
53Ciara McGuirk Ciara McGuirk #543388
54Adam Darby The PlankAdam Darby #549754
55Alexander O'Sullivan Alexander O'Sullivan #552639
56Daire Toman The DartDaire Toman #552937
57Scott Harvey HazardScott Harvey #554232