The Ultimate Fighter 25 : Redemption - Episode No. 10

Publié : Samedi 24 juin 2017 740

The Ultimate Fighter 25 : Redemption - Episode No. 10

Team Dillashaw’s Jesse Taylor (30-15) vs. Team Garbrandt’s Hayder Hassan (6-3)

Voir la carte du TUF 25

Victoire de Jesse Taylor contre Hayder Hassan par soumission (rear-naked choke) – Round 1

Quart de finale

Tom Gallicchio (Team Dillashaw) vs. Justin Edwards (Team Garbrandt)
Dhiego Lima (Team Dillashaw) vs. Gilbert Smith (Team Dillashaw)
Jesse Taylor (Team Dillashaw) vs. Hayder Hassan (Team Garbrandt)
James Krause (Team Dillashaw) vs. Ramsey Nijem (Team Dillashaw)